Providing PancakeSwap Users with the Data they Need

2 min readApr 29, 2021


**UPDATE: For anyone who saw this original announcement, we have since caught up to the tip of the blockchain, and we’re now serving the freshest data available!**

On April 26, we put out a Twitter thread, and thought it was worth making it easily accessible here for you all.

0/ Interested in PancakeSwap stats and info? Today we announce: We’re syncing 57x faster than the original dashboard (and its subgraph). How’s this even possible? A thread…

1/ PancakeSwap’s subgraph has been sync’ing for the past 2 months: it will never get into sync — it’s about 5 times slower than the chain’s realtime speed. It uses polling and we all know that …

2/ Polling is a dead end. It goes against basic data science principles: reliability, performance and data agility.

3/ 12 days ago, @PancakeSwap announced their bounty. 12 days later, our stack has surpassed the original implementation & we’re humming at 12x faster than the chain’s realtime speed. And we have something even more exciting coming…

4/ Teaser: we’re also stress-testing our parallelized version of the subgraph stack, capable of a 200x improvement in the sync times of the most demanding subgraphs. With our usual target of 1 hour for full history reprocessing. Hang tight!

5/ This 2-pronged approach means: 1) you can ensure reliable real-time data flow to your subgraph, 2) you can develop, iterate and go to production faster.

6/ Oh, and our technology already works across many blockchain protocols.

7/ Follow the race at We’re syncing faster to get you the information you need sooner. We’ll be up to head block soon!

It’s also worth noting that within a day from putting out this information, our version of the PancakeSwap info site was synced up to headblock, finally providing traders with the valuable up-to-the-block data they need to make their decisions. Currently it is serving data just for the V1 contracts. V2 will be available soon!




StreamingFast is a protocol infrastructure company that provides a massively scalable architecture for streaming blockchain data.