RPC Poller — Bringing Substreams and Firehose to new chains 10x faster!

Dec 13, 2023


StreamingFast introduces the RPC Poller, a novel extraction technology to bring Firehose and Substreams to new chains 10x faster.

Firehose and Substreams work together to retrieve blockchain data faster than other indexing technologies. At the same time, the rich Substreams data model allows customers to build complex and reliable applications. However, this all comes at the cost of developing a complex and time-consuming integration for every chain.

Full article available on https://www.streamingfast.io/blog/rpc-poller----bringing-substreams-and-firehose-to-new-chains-10x-faster




Written by StreamingFast

StreamingFast is a protocol infrastructure company providing scalable blockchain data streaming. All new articles are now at https://streamingfast.io/blog.