StreamingFast announces the launch of its indexer on The Graph Network

2 min readMay 17, 2023


Since joining The Graph as Core Developers in June 2021, our dedicated team has been tirelessly working to develop cutting-edge technology for indexing blockchain data, including the groundbreaking Substreams and Firehose. These new foundational technologies are poised to shape the future of The Graph protocol, enabling unparalleled performance enhancements and catering to a diverse range of data use cases.

Over the last two years, we have witnessed the remarkable growth of The Graph Network:

  • Nearly 450 Indexers
  • Serving subgraphs across seven new blockchain protocols
  • With over 11,000 Delegators securing the network through their stake
  • And 2,500 Curators informing indexing decisions

Up until now, we hadn’t launched our own Indexer to participate in The Graph Network. Consequently, we hadn’t directly served developers. However, we’re thrilled to announce that this has recently changed with the launch of our Indexer. We’re excited to join the esteemed ranks of Edge & Node, Semiotic, and GraphOps — three prominent core developers who are already operating Indexers on the network.

Our focus will be on running the most demanding subgraphs, with a particular emphasis on the Substreams-powered subgraphs. To accomplish this, our backend infrastructure will combine the power of Firehose, EVMX 👀, and Substreams.

When Firehose and Substreams will be integrated in The Graph Network, we will be ready to serve them, as well help onboard other Indexers to these tools.

We have launched our Indexer directly on Arbitrum. With The Graph Network now able to take advantage of Layer 2 scaling, we wanted to ensure that anyone who chooses to trust us with their delegation will be able to do so without having to needlessly waste their hard-earned money on gas fees. This will also allow us to close allocations more often, ensuring that you receive indexing and query rewards more often.

About StreamingFast

StreamingFast is a web3 builder and investor. As a core developer on The Graph, it excels at building massively scalable open-source software for processing and indexing blockchain data. Founded by a team of serial tech entrepreneurs, the company has deep expertise in large-scale data science. Its core innovations, the Firehose and Substreams, are files-based and streaming-first approach that enables high-performance indexing on high throughput chains.

You can follow StreamingFast on Twitter and on Discord.




StreamingFast is a protocol infrastructure company that provides a massively scalable architecture for streaming blockchain data.